Through the Art Museum
Solo Exhibition by Spanish artist Didier LourencoExhibition Duration: 2nd – 20th May, 2012
Venue: State-of-the-Arts Gallery, G/F, 36 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong
Time: 11:00am – 7:00pm (Mon – Sat), Sun/Public Holiday by appointment

State-of-the-Arts Gallery is delighted to present our upcoming solo exhibition of Spanish painter Didier Lourenco, who had his debut solo exhibition ‘Beautiful Melancholy’ in Hong Kong in 2010. The coming exhibition, titled ‘Through the Museum’, will feature paintings from Lourenco’s whole new series, completely different from his previous subjects of bar scenes and Mediterranean landscape. Our gallery will showcase his new work that revolves around the story of touring the museum, engaging beholders in a journey from the outside of the museum, through the corridors, and into some of the most famous paintings in art history. The exhibition will run from 2 – 20 May, 2012.

Didier Lourenco is known for his delicate depiction of the desolated yet beautiful human souls in the hustle and bustle of city life. In his new series, he brings his subject to a new world of museum and art. In this series, not only does Lourenco carefully portrays the full journey – exterior and interior – of an art museum, but he also incorporates his contemporary re-interpretation of some classical masterpieces that we have all seen. Under his brush, humans are faceless and almost identical. What the artist conveys is the sameness, stillness and melancholy of city life; there is a kind of subtle sadness, yet also beauty within it. In the world of his paintings, humans are alone even when they have company; one can only find tranquility by communicating with and understanding oneself. His dry brush technique gives his art a vintage aura, highlighting the light and shadow of what he depicts.

The artist was born in Barcelona. He was brought up in his father’s lithography print studio, immersing himself in art and learning the art of silkscreen printing. Lourenco was awarded Second Prize and the Premios Talentos at the XXXIII and XXXIV Premio de Pintura Joven de la Sala Pares de Barcelona respectively. His first painting solo exhibition was held at the Galeria Art Dama de Calafell, following his debut show, he then held solo shows at the Vayreda de Barcelona, Gasto Sala d’Art de Terrassa, Sala Rebull de Reus, Galeria Susany de Vic and the Minerva Galeria d’Art de Mataro.

Note: High resolution photos will be provided upon request
Media Enquiry and Interview Appointments:
Ms. Elizabeth Lau / (+852) 2526-1133 / 6178-6683
email: website:

西班牙藝術家Didier Lourenco香港第二次個人展覽

地址:香港中環砵典乍街 (又名石板街) 36號地下。
開放時間: 星期一至星期六 上午11時至下午7時,星期日及公眾假期:請先預約

State-of-the-Arts 畫廊將舉辦西班牙藝術家Didier Lourenco的個人展覽,名為《館中人》。展期為2012 年5 月 2 日至20 日。是次展出Didier Lourenco 的全新油畫系列,與他於2010年在本畫廊的首次個展 -《都市迷思》中以爵士樂酒吧和地中海城鎮景觀為題的作品截然不同。是次作品主題圍繞藝術博物館之行,令觀眾不自覺間融入這其中,仿如置身於世界各著名博物館,漫步於館內長廊,再走近各歷史名畫當中。

Didier Lourenco喜歡勾畫繁忙都市人美麗卻孤寂的心靈,細膩的描繪令人產生共鳴。他於這新一系列展品中,不單仔細地從一個参觀者的角度描繪於藝術館從外走到內面參觀遊覽的景況,更在其中融合了他對一些舉世聞名的經典名作的個人詮釋,為我們熟識傳統殿堂級的名畫重新注入新意義,凸顯他的創意和風趣幽默。

Lourenco畫筆下的人物並沒有獨特性,每個人只有近乎一式一樣的簡單線條和形態。他強調的是單調和一致性的都市生活,以及一刻溶凝的都市失落感,但又不失當中失落的美。他希望藉此表達,人們即使身處鬧市中也或會感到孤寂,人必須先跟自己溝通和了解自己,才能找到心靈的平靜。Lourenco 的乾筆油畫技術巧妙地突出色彩的光暗反差,營造出一種懷舊氣氛。

Didier Lourenco 於巴塞隆納出生,自小在其父的版畫工作室受藝術所薰陶,沉浸在藝術世界中,同時學會傳統絲印技術。Lourenco 曾分別於第三十三及三十四屆巴塞隆納Premio de Pintura Joven de la Sala Pares取得二等獎和畫家大獎。他在西班牙Calafell 的 Galeria Art Dama 舉行首次個人油畫展覽,及後the Vayreda de Barcelona, Gasto Sala d’Art de Terrassa, Sala Rebull de Reus, Galeria Susany de Vic 和the Minerva Galeria d’Art de Mataro 等都接續為他籌辨個展。




G/F 36 Pottinger Street, Central

Hong Kong

Inauguración 10 de Mayo a partir de les 18.30 h.

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